
Ever noticed the way the other women look at a successful or attractive woman when she walks into a room? The sideways glances, the whispering, the rolling of the eyes. Remember those girls that talked behind your back in high school when they didn’t even know you? Remember when your college sorority hated the other sorority just because some of the girls were pretty and dated the guys the other sorority liked?  The “who does she think she is” comments? Or landing a significant job, only to be bullied by other women you worked with? I have, and if you are a woman reading this I am sure you have too.  

It is even more intense 11 years ago since I graduated high school with social media. I was disappointed to see a news story about Rihanna and her best friend Melissa tweeting a picture of them watching Ciara sing acapella to her fans. The picture was making fun of what Ciara was doing instead of celebrating it. 

It is disappointing to see, as teenagers/young women look up to these ladies.

Ciara's response to the tweet:

I see why Ciara 'went there', she was provoked. Like she was in the infamous twitter banter with Rihanna a few years ago:

I'll be honest I have been guilty of playing the mean girl as well, I did it because it was done to me first similar to what happened to Ciara. I saw comments women made on facebook or women being rude to me at a mutual friend's party, and yes it made me angry so much I did things I regretted.  As I get older, I am realizing it's not worth it, there should be more "sisterhood", more ignoring, and less beefing. We should be supporting one another and praising each other's accomplishments, not putting them down.  I plan to do this going forward, ironically, March is women's history month.  Hopefully more women will do the same so there will be less mean girls and more sisterhood in 2013.
