Shiny Star

There is nothing like being in NYC in the fall. The energy. The diversity. That drive. The feeling of constant hustle and bustle.  Making new connections.  Being strong enough to cut out the bad ones.  Always learning something new…whether it be setting up my new TV or learning how to be a better daughter/sister/aunt/friend.

Dress: Re:Named, Boots: Rag&Bone

Dress: Re:Named, Boots: Rag&Bone

2017 has been a wild ride and there are 28 days left until the New Year.  I have learned so much and had a blast along the way.  I’m using the time to celebrate and plan: 2018 trips (Bali with Akua/solo trip to who knows where but it's happening/Cuba/everything else in between), Star Wars parties, and a new website to highlight my public relations services.  I am grateful that I have mentors that encourage me to put more time into developing my business.  It is a very challenging experience; a bit terrifying, but intuitively it’s time to take that baby step to get it off the ground :)

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I wasted time being hesitant in that and a lot of other things, for way too long, time to do!

This wrap dress has been my 2017 “go to”.  I love how the lines and structure of this staple is designed to hug you in all the right places and show off all the right curves in your body.  It is also easy to style; just mix with a pair of your favorite shoes and you got an effortless outfit.  It wasn’t surprising why I loved this dress from Re:Named at Shopbop. Paired with my beloved Newbury Boot and lovely earrings my sister India made for me, I was good to go!

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The sheerness of the dress and the star print sold me as well! The star print whether on denim or kitten boots has been the constant trend for all four seasons in 2017.  I think it’s the solution for women who don’t want to wear sequins or millennial pink (Which I love-post coming soon!).  

The coffeeshop is my happy place!  The aroma of espresso beans, the noise of grinders, the movements of baristas & customers; it’s a change of scenery from being in the office or working from home (literally).  Devocion is one of my favs! When you enter, you walk through this long hallway where you see their coffee beans being grounded. Then, the hallway opens up to this large open area with high ceilings and natural light coming through the sunroof.  Since its so open and large, it doesn't get too loud.  You can actually get some work done, like I did!

Earrings: gift from my sister India all handmade!

Earrings: gift from my sister India all handmade!

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Cafe philosophy is legit too - they source their beans fresh and direct from Colombia, and only Colombia, and roast them on location.


I’m looking forward to closing 2017 wearing star prints, millennial pink, becoming a web expert and hanging out in as many coffee shops as possible!



How are you guys closing out the year?  Whatever y’all do make sure it’s what YOU WANT! Don’t get too caught up, let loose, value all the craziness that comes in between and believe that everything falls into place. Gotta have FAITH and PUT INTO ACTION what you really want in this life!



Keep Calm and Carry on: Meditation tips and apps for a zen holiday season

Hi guys!

Hope the Thanksgiving holiday was rad for each of you! Now that the holiday season is officially here also can come the stress of it all along with handling daily tasks.  I wanted to share a way I cope with stress that can be useful this holiday season: meditation.  Yep, simple enough but a great tool to start this holiday season and continue on in 2015!

I started getting more serious about meditation this fall with work, writing, and now grad school in the mix. There were times where EVERYTHING was becoming overwhelming.  Meditation is a tool, it can help combat stress, fosters physical health, helps with chronic pain, can make you sleep better, feel happier, be more peaceful, as well as be present.

As a mentioned, meditation is pretty easy. You don't need to purchase fancy workout gear, all you need is yourself and a quiet space. Here are 10 tips on how to get started:

1. Posture

Whether you sit on a chair or cross-legged on the floor, make sure that your spine is upright with head up. If you are slumped your mind will drift. If your body is well-balanced, your mind will also be in balance.

2. Eyes

Closing my eyes I find is more helpful for me to focus and not get distracted.

2. Focus

To focus in meditation means to pay soft attention to whatever you place in the centre of awareness. I recommend using the breath as a focus (worked wonders for me). It’s a door that connects ‘inside’ and ‘outside’.

3. Breathing

Paying attention your breathing is a great way to anchor yourself in the present moment.  Notice your breath streaming in and out. There’s no need to regulate the breath – just let it be natural.

4. Counting you breath

If you are having difficulties settling, you can try counting the breath – which is an ancient meditation practice. Silently count “one”, then “two”, and up to “four”. Then return to “one”. THIS HELPED ME BIG TIME!

5. Thoughts

When you notice thoughts, gently let them go by returning your focus to the breath. Don’t try and stop thoughts; this will just make you feel agitated. Imagine that they are unwelcome visitors at your door: acknowledge their presence and politely ask them to leave. 

6. Emotions

The way to deal with strong emotions in meditation is to focus on the body feelings that accompany the emotion. For example, this could be the tight band of fear around the chest or the hot roiling of anger in the belly. Let go of the stories and refocus on your body. In this way you are honoring your emotions but not becoming entangled in stories.

7. Silence

Nothing beats simple silence.  When we sit in silence we actually get to experience what our mind is doing. There is steadiness and calmness that comes from sitting in silence. In time outer and inner silence meet and you come to rest in the moment.

8. Length

Start with 10 minutes and only sit longer if you feel that that is too short. Don’t force yourself to meditate longer if you are not ready to do that. In time you might like to extend your meditation to 15, then 20, then 25 minutes.

9. Place

Create a special place to sit.  You might like to place a candle near you or objects that have meaning to you.

10. Enjoyment

Try sitting with a hint of a smile. Start sitting just a little each day. It’s helpful to establish a daily habit.

Apps are also helpful for anyone wanting to start meditating. I personally use "Meditator", however the app isn't available for downloading anymore (weird..) Anywho, I found similar apps that will help:

Buddhify 2

Are you walking in the city? There’s a meditation for you. Can’t sleep? There’s one for that, too. This app comes with 14 location and activity settings that can help you meditate at any point and in almost any place during the day.

Get Some Headspace

Being proficient at meditation requires practice and dedication. The app Get Some Headspace can help you with both. Use the guided meditation programs to help you focus, relieve stress, and even fall asleep faster. 

Simple Being 

One of the biggest distractions trying to meditate is the stream of thoughts running through your head. Pushing thoughts out of your mind is PRACTICE. Having someone — in this case, a calming voice from the app — guide you through your meditation session may help you find calm more quickly.

here you have it :) Try meditation and any of these meditation apps to find a more relaxed — and healthier — state of mind.

