Staying organized with the Cosplayer App!

Hello peeps!

NY Comic Con is 2 months away! I decided to be more organized this year thanks to my fellow cosplayer slash niece Akua.  Akua gets really into her Cosplay doing great mashups: Darth Vader as a Slytherin student is my personal fav:

Akua as Darth Vader/Slytherin Student, Kimani as Nick Fury, Me as Catwoman, and Dane as The Joker

Akua as Darth Vader/Slytherin Student, Kimani as Nick Fury, Me as Catwoman, and Dane as The Joker

Akua introduced me to a brilliant app to make our Cosplaying lives earlier: Cosplanner.  Yes, the app basically keeps you organized in what you need to make, purchase, inspiration pages and even helps you stay on budget.


This level of organization regarding your Cosplay will make the most extreme cosplayer dance in delight. You can access and share a summary page at any point, which is going to have all the stats written out. Upon completion of each costume, you will be given the option of adding any photo shoots done, events attended and prizes won as well as all photos of your Cosplay. The app is available to download for free on both the App Store and Google Play.  I used mine on an iPhone, getting my Harley Quinn Cosplay started:


The reference images section is extremely useful.  Think about it not having to go through your entire camera roll to check the design or size when buying things! Again this app is brilliant!   The summary page shows progress percentage, the amount of time spent working and total cost of your Cosplay. 

Now when you hit that “Finalize” button (another great feature is that it will only allow you to do so if the progress is 100%). The app will congratulate you on completing your Cosplay and let you add events like conventions, contests, and shoots.  The app is very user friendly; I’m stunned it’s actually free. The free version limits you to a mere 20 Cosplay elements, 5 reference images, and 5 final images.

Check out Cosplanner online at

