A Vengeful Read coming from ABC + Marvel

Looks like September isn't just for television premieres anymore!  The creators behind ABC's Revenge and Marvel Comics have teamed up for a prequel of our favorite anti hero Emily Thorne.  Revenge: The Secret Origin of Emily Thorne will be available digitally and in print on September 3, 2014.

Most die hard Revenge fans know that Emily has samurai savvy. However, the graphic novel takes place halfway in her evolution where she is cocky and hasn't yet honed her fighting abilities.  Marvel wanted to make sure the comic's story was closely tied to the show, so the all-new adventure in the comic is canon and the graphic novel will flesh out an early part of the vengeful history of Emily Thorne (or, Amanda Clarke, as she was known back then) that has never been revealed on TV.   Just as the recently returned David Clarke will be reconnecting and learning more about his daughter in Season 4, readers will be able to fill in the gaps in Emily's origin as her backstory unfolds in a never-before-told action-adventure set in Geneva, Switzerland.

I will be pre ordering this, what a great read to have to balance the NY Fashion week madness!  

